Episode 200

Besides my marriage, my kids, and my career, this may be the longest running thing in my life. Which is wild to say. A top 5 at least? Mike and I started off the Safe as Milk podcast as a way to explore audio production and the hobby in general. That was way back in 2015 when we knew it would be nice to keep doing it, but I don’t think either of us imagined we’d keep with it this long.

What we make every two weeks is a silly conversation between friends, but it feels like way more than that. I am proud of it. We’ve become pretty good at it. I edit half the episodes and I crack up every time I listen to us. I’ve seen the same starting off a podcast advice a bunch of different places. Essentially, if you don’t enjoy listening to your podcast, why would anyone else? I freaking love our podcast and it is nice when other people do too.