
Trying to set myself up with some obtainable project goals this year that flex my old skills in new ways and make me learn some new ones. Mikey does this over at his site and I love it. I only recently learned that he got the idea from Lewis Trondheim, so shouts to him too I guess.

  • Gathering reference materials

  • Maybe the next campaign after Mike’s?

  • I’m inspired, now to decided if I do anything with it.

  • Finally landed a Raspberry Pi and the project can continue.

  • I have fallen deep for the idea that my first steps into hobby diorama world will be creating little pieces of Richmond in miniature.

  • I am registered and have been back to running regularly since mid-December.

    Jan Miles: 26.3 | 3.3 Avg.

    Feb Miles: 19.1 | 3.2 Avg.

  • Mikey is up next to try his hand at DMing for our long running D&D group. That means I am spinning up the old logo machine again. Check the previous two over on the design page. The new logo is done and over on the same page.

  • Our store launched alongside episode 200, go grab a shirt!